Parenting is social and political

There, I said it. Our children will make up future generations of this planet. Our roles as parents, teachers and care givers matter. A LOT. Yes, they will have other influences in their lives too from other adults and children they interact with throughout their childhood. In fact, that’s WHY our role as care...

Intrinsic Motivation

So our job as parents is not to make a particular kind of child. Instead, our job is to provide a protected space of love, safety, and stability in which children of many unpredictable kinds can flourish. Our job is not to shape our children’s minds; it’s to let those minds explore all the...

The Highly Sensitive Child – Part 4

Caring for a highly sensitive child can be as challenging as it can be rewarding. It can also be downright exhausting at times, even if you are a highly sensitive adult yourself (which I am) and you get it. Things that often do not seem to bother many other children can be difficult to...

The Highly Sensitive Child – Part 3

When my son started attending second grade at a new school, he was introduced to the idea of a “kindness jar” in his classroom. During the first couple of months, he was VERY bothered by this jar. To the point where it was difficult for him to even go to school. Many mornings were...

The Highly Sensitive Child – Part 2

When my son was about 3 years old, we were invited to a very small birthday gathering on our condo’s rooftop. There were three kids including my son and the birthday girl, all the same age and they were having a blast. We had a bunch of balloons tied to a small weight and...

The highly sensitive child – Part 1

Is your child often bothered by loud noises or does not enjoy large parties? Does he find it annoying when adults try to “draw” them out? Does your child seem to pick up on others’ subtle emotions and intentions almost intuitively? Is she bothered quite often by tags on clothing or textures / appearance...

Meltdowns and tantrums: How to embrace them

On the last day of our vacation this Summer, we went to a luggage store at the mall near our airbnb to buy a new medium sized check-in suitcase (we were long overdue for one). My husband and I were discussing the differences between two brands that we had narrowed down to with the...

“That’s a girl’s toy!”

A little while ago, a boy (X) came home for a play date with my son (V). For a while, they played what is typically considered boy games – mostly pretend battles. After the battles were done and breaking for a quick lunch, my son proposed that they could do some art/craft. X, it...

How to support a child through sadness

I saw this little boy at school one morning with tears in his eyes, asking for his daddy over and over. This was not the first time. It had started a few days ago. I found out that his father’s new job or role required him to travel, something this child was not used...